By: Todd Black
“Since 2013, this principal and others in his parish, have voted 34-0 to remain split!”
The principal from Anacoco, Raymond Haymond, has gone into the depths of the Constitution, to pull out 7.1.2. You CANNOT be serious?
In 2013, the LHSAA asked for a outside legal opinion on Proposal 18 which is the split proposal. When the results were received by former Executive Director Kenny Henderson, he said the legal opinion the LHSAA received about those constitutional issues were inconclusive. Henderson went on to say he would only share with the executive committee and, “It depends on how you want to interpret it.” But I promise you this, if the legal opinion favored the split, Henderson would have announced the findings to the whole world.
If the outside firm did not do its job, the LHSAA should have a $10,000 credit from the outside law firm, correct? In 2016, Jane Griffin pointed out, in 2013, a legal opinion was paid for by the LHSAA and received; this legal opinion validated her playoff plan as constitutional based on “other” points in the constitution.
What is this? An eye for eye constitutional agreement? ALL the proposal must be validated. The fact the proposal is invalid was brought up again in 2016. Not only did the outside firm deem the 2013 proposal invalid, so did the current LHSAA legal team, lead by Mark Boyer. Boyer told the Executive Committee that his findings and the 2013 findings were similar. Ironically, also in 2013, U-High had a legal team come up with the same findings. U-High’s legal team also contacted the LHSAA and received no response.
The opinion of the 2016 Executive Committee was they “felt” as though they did nothing wrong. They ignored the Constitution; so, Mr. Haymond, why should they follow the constitution today if it was not followed in 2013? Now you all the sudden care? Mr. Haymond, you understand if the Executive Committee follows the Constitution in 2013, chances are better than good, you, your school, and your peers’ schools would not be in this predicament. That is why it is imperative to always do the right thing. If you get 50%, I hope you get what you want.
Mr. Haymond, your parish is home to zero private schools, correct? Your parish has (4 Class C) schools and (2 Class B). Isn’t it true that in Class C & B, GBB, a private school has never won a championship? The only time a private school as won in softball was in Class C in 2009 & 2010. In baseball, in 2008, was the one and only baseball championship in Class B. Class C baseball has only recently had success vs the public schools.
Why did you vote for the split? In no way did private schools hinder public
Mr. Haymond, no way is it possible you are speaking about equality. Equality is Class 5A have a 32-team bracket while their private school counterparts have 12; Equality is public schools in Class B and Class C playing in separate brackets while their counterparts play in one bracket of 5 teams. Equality is forcing private schools in Class 3A, and Class C play UP in class when the constitution clearly states that is a choice. Sir, you have no clue.
Read the memo’s sent out or ask your LHSAA Executive Committee Representative and they could give you all the answers you need for your issues.
A Principals led organization whom Superintendent’s were informed in March of 2022 about the change. Good point about the “principal’s led organization.” Is it your belief that no principals were involved in this decision-making process? There is a person on the Executive Committee that represents you, remember the person you vote on every 2 years? I recommend while you’re catching up on the constitution, you can read the responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
Mr. Haymond, you claim you know the purpose of making athletics more competitive but every time a new proposal to make the split more competitive was brought to the floor for a vote, your parish (over 4 votes), have voted 34-0 to stay split. Your parish to the north, Sabine, of you that has 4 Class B, 2 Class C and 1 2A school has voted 28-0 to stay split and the parish south of you, Beauregard has voted 12-0 to stay split. Mr. Haymond, you don’t care about equality unless you are on the side of inequality.